11 MW turbine for new waste recycling plant in Finland
14. July 2020 in

Our currently completed turbine for the project company Lounavoima Oy in Salo, Finland has now left our halls. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic and entry restrictions, we were able to complete the turbine on time for our customer. The client was Steinmüller Babcock Environment GmbH, based in Gummersbach. We deliver an eleven-staged steam turbine with an output of 11.3 MW, a steam volume of 56 t/h as well as 50 bar a / 420°C live steam and 1 bar a / 120 ° C exhaust steam. The thermal waste recycling plant in the south-west of Finland generates 180 - 190 GWh of heat after commissioning, which is fed into the local district heating network. Our turbine therefore contains an additional bleed for district heating in addition to the bleed for the process steam. The package also includes two condensers: a vacuum condenser and a two-stage heating condenser for district heating. Commissioning of the plant is planned for the end of 2020.